Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is a testing and analysis technique used to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure, or system for characteristic differences or welding defects/flaws and discontinuities without causing damage to the original part. Flaws can affect the integrity and serviceability of the material or structure. Therefore, NDT is important in assuring safe operation as well as to keep quality control at its best.

Our team is highly skilled, experienced, and motivated personnel; qualified and certified in accordance with international certification schemes (e.g. PCN (EN 473/ IS0 9712), ANSI CP-189, and SNT-TC 1A).

Our main focus areas

UT-Ultrasonic Test

Ultrasonic thickness measurement and flaw detection for detecting the thickness of components and for detecting internal and surface breaking cracks and other elongated discontinuities.

MT-Magnetic Particle Test

Mainly used for detecting cracks and other elongated discontinuities that extend to the surface of the material in ferromagnetic materials

PT -Penetration test

Dye penetration test Fluorescent or dye-penetrant examination for disclosing cracks, porosity, or pin holes that extend to the surface of the material and for outlining other surface imperfections, especially in nonmagnetic materials

ECT- Eddy Current Testing

Mainly used for detecting cracks and other elongated discontinuities that extend to the surface of the material in ferromagnetic materials